The essential features of an effective communication system are keys for productive communication. The chief principles or characteristics of effective communication are as follows.
Characteristics of Communication
2-way process:-
There must be a minimum of two persons, Communication is possible only when there are at least two persons, the sender of the information and the receiver. Also, communication is not complete unless the reply or response of the receiver of the message is received by the sender.
It is impossible not to communicate. Communication takes place unintentionally all the time even without the use of words.
Direct and indirect communication:-
Communication can be both direct and indirect. Direct communication means face-to-face conversation while indirect is through other means.
Goal oriented:-
Communication is goal oriented. The end result of the communication is the understanding between the sender and receiver of information.
Mutual understanding:-
It implies that the receiver interprets the information in the same spirit which it is given, communication is not merely a transmission of information, the correct interpretation and understanding is equally important.
Continuous process:-
Communication is an endless process. Exchange of ideas and opinions among persons is an ongoing process in business and non-business organizations.
Verbal and non-verbal:-
Communication can take place through the use of words as well as symbols. The transfer of information and understanding is not possible through words alone. One can also communicate through symbols, gestures actions.
Dynamic process:-
Communication involves sharing of troughs and experiences in a meaningful manner while assimilating, processing and responding.
Circular flow:-
The flow of communication is circular i.e. the communication starts from the sender who transmits the message to the receiver and stops when the receiver sends the message to the receiver and stop when the receiver sends the feedback to the sender.
Clearness of the message:-
Communication takes place when one person transfers some understandable data\message to one or more persons. Clearness and integrity of the message to be conveyed is an essential feature.
Develop relationship:-
It helps to create a congenial relationship between different levels of management.
Communication is all-pervasive:-
Communication exists in all levels of management. The top management conveys information to middle management and vice versa. There is a flow of communication in all directions in the workplace.
Communication is a universal phenomenon. All living being communicate through their own symbols and signs.