
Intellectual Property Threats
Intellectual Property Threats

Online businesses must be careful in their use of intellectual property. Intellectual Property Threats is a general term that includes all products of the human mind. These products can be tangible or intangible. Intellectual property rights include the protection afforded to individuals and companies by governments through governments’ granting of copyrights and patents, and through registration […]

Security policy
Security Policy and Its Elements

 A security policy is a written statement describing: Which assets to protect and why they are being protected? Who is responsible for that protection? Which behaviors are acceptable and which are not? The security policy primarily addresses physical security, network security, access authorizations, virus protection, and disaster recovery. The security policy is a living written […]

Information Infrastructure
Benefits of Global Information Infrastructure (GII)

The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, the telephone, the radio, and the computer set the stage for his unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet has now become almost a “commodity” service, and much of the latest attention has been on the use of his […]

Company Wide Disaster Planning
Company Wide Disaster Planning

Company Wide Disaster Planning:- Today, information technology is used for almost all the activities in an organization. All the departments of an organization are dependent on the IT  department. So, a company-wide disaster planning is essential to protect the critical information stored in the system as well as other business processes. Planning is a senior management […]

Economic Consequences of Cyber Terrorism
Economic Consequences of Cyber Terrorism

Misuse of Information Technology in Cyber Terrorism Cyber terrorists misuse information technology, i.e., computers, data communications, hardware, software, peripherals, database, networks, and other devices as weapons for spreading cyber terrorism. Today, almost every sector of critical infrastructure is networked through computer systems and networks. All the sectors are accessible through the Internet and with the […]

purpose of EDI
Purpose of EDI and Cost of EDI in E-commerce

Purpose of EDI:- The purpose of EDI is to enable the exchange of the information for commercial transactions among information systems in different companies accurately, efficiently and economically. A number of standards for communication protocols and data formats have been developed for EDI in ISO (International Standardization Organization) and ANSI (American National Standard Institute). EDI […]

Characteristics of Cyber Terrorism

Characteristics of Cyber Terrorism Following are the characteristics of Cyber Terrorism : 1. Minimal Resources Required 2. Anonymity 3. No Barriers 4. Enormous 5. Boundaryless 6. Wider Effect 7. Greater Potential 8. More Efficient Minimal Resources Required Cyber terrorism activities are less expensive to perform and less dangerous than traditional terrorist activities. Very few resources […]

What is cyber terrorism?
What is Cyber Terrorism? Factors of Cyber Terrorism

Cyber terrorism denotes unlawful attacks and threats of attack against, computers, networks, and information stored therein to intimidate or coerce a government or its people for propagating hidden political or unlawful social and religious agendas. What is Cyber Terrorism? Cyber terrorism is simply the use of computers and the Internet connectivity between them in order […]

Characteristic of Electronic Markets
Characteristics of Electronic Markets,Barriers,Contributors

Characteristics of Electronic Markets:- Electronic markets are most useful when they are able to directly match buyers and sellers. But, in oligopolistic situations, sellers may determine the success of e–markets in the industry if they want to maintain an environment of lower volume, higher profit margin transactions. Consumer characteristics. Characteristic of Electronic Markets:- Cost reduction:- Electronic markets reduce […]

Charge Card
Charge Card Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Charge Card:- Following are the advantage of a charge card:- Charge cards are unlikely to lead to card debt problems as they need to be paid off in full every month. Many users find it easier to budget responsibly with a charge card as they are expected to pay back what they owe […]