
EDI Standards
What is EDI Standards in E-commerce?

When e-business started, the need for common standards was felt as there were many different types of computer systems and different ways of storing data. Since the sender and receiver in the EDI systems had to exchange business documents that could be interpreted by all parties, it became necessary to develop standards in EDI. Many […]

global information infrastructure
What is Global Information Infrastructure – GII

Global Information Infrastructure (GII) can be defined as a seamless web of interactive communications being deployed at a world-wide level to provide the infrastructure for new services and activities based on the strategic use of all types information. Global Information Infrastructure refers to; the proposed worldwide infrastructure of governmental and non-governmental telecommunications and information technology […]

Charge Card
What do you mean by Charge Card?

A charge card is like a credit card without the option to pay your balances off over time. With a charge card, you must pay the entire balance in full every month. Charge cards provide all the benefit of a credit card-convenience, rewards, fraud and purchase protection, etc. Without the freely available opportunity to overspend […]

terrorist atrocities
Terrorist Atrocities

Dictionary meaning of atrocity is: “An extremely cruel, violent or shocking act”. Terrorist atrocities are activities that involve inhumanity, barbarity or even extreme violence. The fear generated by the realization that nearly any member of the target population could be a victim. Specific terrorist actions within terrorism campaigns, or aim at: Creating threats. Encouraging public […]

ecommerce business
What is E-Commerce Business ? And Impacts of E-Commerce

 E-COMMERCE BUSINESS:- E-Commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. It also pertains to any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or directs physical contact. E-COMMERCE BUSINESS Doing business online is known as e-commerce. E-commerce describes the buying and selling of products, services, […]

Internet Commerce
What is Internet Commerce?

Internet commerce is the use of the Internet for all phases of creating and completing business transactions. It is a broad term covering all commercial activity on the internet, including auctioning, placing orders, making payments, transferring funds, and collaborating with trading partners. Internet commerce is not a synonym for e-commerce but it is one its […]

Obstacles in Adopting e-Commerce Applications
Obstacles in Adopting e Commerce Applications

Obstacles in Adopting e Commerce Applications:- The study identified the main obstacles to the adoption of e–commerce applications, which include: organizational, financial, environmental, legal, behavioral, and technological obstacles. … The adoption levels of application that aimed at providing services and processing transactions were very low. Obstacles in Adopting e Commerce Applications Lack of awareness Trust and Confidence The difficulty in re-engineering the business process Huge […]

Role of Information Technology for Terrorists
Role of Information Technology for Terrorists

Role of Information Technology for Terrorists Information technology includes computers, hardware, software, data communications, telecommunications, database, peripherals networks, and other devices. The reliance of all the sectors of critical infrastructure on the IT sector for information creates an opportunity for cyber terrorism. The following points explain the role of Information technology for terrorists in cyber […]

types of cyber terrorism
Types of Cyber Terrorism – Privacy Violation

Types of Cyber Terrorism Following are the various Types of Cyber Terrorism : 1. Privacy Violation 2. Secret Information Appropriation and Data Theft 3. Demolition of e-Governance Base The aim of e-governance is to make the interaction of the citizens with the government offices hassle free and to share information in a free and transparent […]

prospects of e-commerce
Prospects of E-Commerce in India

Prospects of E-Commerce in India Following is India’s prospects in e-commerce:- Opportunity for retailers:- A retailer can save his existence by linking his business with the online distribution. By doing so, they can make available much additional information about various things to the consumers, meet electronic orders and be in touch with the consumers all […]