
7 Various Stages of a Cyber Attack
7 Various Stages of a Cyber Attack

7 Various Stages of a Cyber Attack:- Cyber attacks can range from installing Spyware on a computer to attempt to destroy the infrastructure of entire nations. 7 Various Stages of a Cyber Attack Following are the various stages of a cyber attack : 1. Reconnaissance 2. Weaponization 3. Delivery 4. Exploitation 5. Installation 6. Command and […]

Importance of Digital Economy in India
Importance of Digital Economy in India

What is the Digital Economy? Digital economy refers to an economy that is a based on digital technologies .It is also known as the internet economy, the new economy, or web economy. Importance of Digital Economy in India Indian is moving towards creating a digital economy that will benefit the people and the government in various […]

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime refers to the technology-driven crimes that involve computer network for gaining unauthorized access. The term cybercrime is used to describe an unlawful activity in which computer or computing devices such as a smartphone, tablets Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), etc. which are stand-alone or a part of a network are used as a tool or […]

digital economy
What do you mean by a digital economy?

Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital technologies. It is also known as the internet economy, the new economy, or web economy. The digital economy refers to a broad range of economic activities that use digitized information and knowledge as key factors of production, The internet, cloud computing, big data, and […]

Characteristics of Credit Cards
Characteristics of Credit Card

Characteristics of Credit Cards:- The main characteristics or features of a credit card are listed as follows: Alternative to cash:- A credit card is a better alternative to cash. It removes the worry of carrying various currencies to pay at the different trade counters. It is easy and fast to use a credit card rather […]

Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

The Intellectual property encompasses all the tangible and intangible products of the human mind. As a general rule, the creator of intellectual property owns it. For example, if you personally create an e-commerce site, it belongs entirely to you have exclusive rights to use this property in any lawful way you see fit. But the […]

knowledge society
Concept of Knowledge Society & Characteristics

The knowledge society is a society whose economy depends upon the knowledge of their citizens and the success of this society is dependent on the innovation and creativity of the citizens. It is a society in which the generation, diffusion, and exploitation of knowledge play a major role in the creation of a nation’s wealth. […]

Differentiate between Traditional Commerce and E-commerce
Differentiate between Traditional Commerce and E-commerce

Traditional Commerce:- Traditional commerce is that which involves a great number of processes I addition to buying and selling transaction such as information exchange, identification of items or services, buying, payment, delivery customer support, marketing feedback, manufacturing of new products and their distribution. E-commerce:-E-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and […]

Electronic Data Interchange
What Is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

Electronic data interchange (EDI) Is the electronic exchange of business documents in standard, computer-processable, universally accepted format between the business partners. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI may be defined as the transmission of business data in a structured, electronic format from a computer application in one business format from a computer application in one business […]

What do you mean by Electronic Markets?

e-Market:- Basically, an electronic market is a website where companies can buy from and sell to each other using a common technology platform. They are the commerce sites on the internet that allow a large number of buyers and suppliers to meet and trade with each other. They are also known as electronic marketplaces, online […]