
Threats to Information Security
Threats to Information Security

Threats to Information Security:- “The term information security refers to the way of protecting information systems and the information stored in it from the unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, or disruption.” Information security is the process of ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data. Confidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized […]

Penetration Testing
What is Penetration Testing? Types of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a great way to identify the vulnerabilities that exist in a system or network that has existing security measures in place. It usually involves the use of attacking methods conducted by trusted individuals that are similarly used by hostile intruders or hackers. Depending on the type of test that is conducted, this […]

information security
The Concept of Information Security and Its Principles

“The term information security can be defined as the way of protecting information systems and the information stored in it from the unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure, or disruption.” Information security refers to the process of ensuring and maintaining confidentiality, availability, and integrity of data. Confidentiality refers to the protection of information from unauthorized access. […]

Need of Cyber Disaster Planning
Need of Cyber Disaster Planning

Cyber Disaster Planning:- All the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected to the Internet. So, any cyber attack launched via the Internet can cause disaster as all the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected via the Internet. Disaster is an emergency situation; it includes cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, acts of information warfare and natural disasters. In […]

cyber disaster planning
Cyber Disaster Planning and Guidelines for (CDP)

Cyber Disaster Planning (CDP):- Attacks on cyberinfrastructure are known as cyber disasters. The cyberinfrastructure includes electronic information and communications system, and the information contained in those systems. Critical infrastructure is the main target of cyber terrorists. Cyber Disaster Planning All the sectors of critical infrastructure are connected to the Internet. So, any cyber attack launched […]

edi benefits
What are the benefits of EDI?

Following are the benefits of EDI:- Speed:- Information moving between computers moves more rapidly and with little or no human intervention. Sending an electronic message across the country takes minutes or less. Improved problem resolution:- EDI responds quickly to business enquiries and transfers of documents with an automatic audit to ensure accuracy and consistency. EDI […]

Application of E-commerce in Direct Marketing and Selling
Application of E-commerce in Direct Marketing and Selling

Direct marketing is a very popular and widely method of informing people about products and services in order to make sales. It’s a method of contacting customers and potential customers personally. Using e-commerce, companies provide credit and electronically buying facilities to a customer in order to facilitate the customers and to attract the attention of […]

advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce?

E-commerce: – E-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. It also pertains to any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact. E-commerce is the use of electronic communications and digital information processing technology in business transactions […]

Applications of Smart Card
Applications of Smart Card in E-Commerce

“Smart card is a thin, credit card-sized piece of plastic that contains a half-inch-square area that serves as the card’s input\output system. This is its sinter face with the outside world, and handles a variety of applications.” Following are the uses of smart card:- A smart card is used to provide users with the ability […]

What is copyright? And Issues Related to E-commerce?

Copyright is a group of property rights granted to the creators of literary, artistic, musical, dramatic and audiovisual works. Its gives the creators of these works the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute copies of their works, to create derivative works, and to perform and display the works publicly. Copyright also gives creators and authors […]