
How to Select Reference School Books Online for Your Child

As parents, we all strive to give our children the best education possible – and with online resources at our disposal, finding reference books online for your child has never been simpler! However, selecting the correct ones can still be daunting when there are so many available on the internet; but don’t fret: In this […]

Comprehensive Lab Manual Book for Classes 11

Introduction  Lab Manual Book for Classes 11 are essential tools for practical science learning, offering detailed instructions. In this post we explore their significance and benefits – specifically targeted for Class 11. This post also covers best lab manual books created specifically Lab Manual Books Online for biology, chemistry , physics , mathematics subjects. Biology […]

Mastering PowerPoint with Silly Finance: Unleash Presentations.

Introduction: Welcome to our blog, where we combine the art of presentation design services with the excitement of silly finance, we’ll explore how you can enhance your education through PowerPoint presentations, utilizing powerful tools and techniques to engage your audience. Understanding the Power of Presentation Design Services: When it comes to creating impactful presentations, relying […]

Unconventional Accounting Methods: Silly Finance Goes Awry

Introduction:  In the dimension of Accounting, where accuracy and integrity are important, the rise of unconventional bookkeeping systems can have terrible results. Often compelled by a desire to manoeuvre economic statements, silly finance practices can bring about permissible, righteous, and reputational issues. In this online journal, we explore the risks and traps that guide odd […]

what is communication
What is Communication?

 What is Communication?:- The term communication originates from the Latin words “communis” meaning common Or “ Communicare”  which means to share or ompart. Communication is the process of transferring information from sender to receiver. It can take place between two people as well as within groups. Comm is the process of exchanging facts, ideas, and […]

Features and Characteristics of Communication
Features and Characteristics of Communication

The essential features of an effective communication system are keys for productive communication. The chief principles or characteristics of effective communication are as follows. Characteristics of Communication 2-way process:-  There must be a minimum of two persons, Communication is possible only when there are at least two persons, the sender of the information and the […]

Barriers of Communication Types of Barriers to Effective Communication
Barriers of Communication: Types of Barriers

Barriers to Communication:- Communication barrier is the name given to the causes of loss and distortion of information during the process of communication. Communication barrier are obstacles on the way of transmission of information. These obstruct the effectiveness of communication and can even lead to wrong interpretation of the message or misunderstandings. The word ‘barrier’ […]

Communication is essentially the process of exchanging one’s views or feelings with another person. It is the process of sending and receiving messages.
What is the Communication Process? – Definition & Steps

In the course of the day to day living, human beings need to participate with other human beings and the world around them. Communication is the process of sharing thoughts, ideas, and emotions with others and having those thoughts, ideas, and emotions understood. Communication is essentially the process of exchanging one’s views or feelings with […]

What are communications objectives?
What are Communications Objectives? 12 Examples

the up-to-dateWhat are the objectives of communication?:- Effective communication is one that includes clarity in expression and expression and exchange of ideas and emotion. It is an art to get one’s message across successfully.   Effective communication is the most vital component in today’s corporate world. Following are a few of the main objectives of […]