Minorities Rights Day:- Minorities Rights Day in India is celebrated on 18th December by educating people on rights and various schemes for Minorities. The National Commission for Minorities celebrated Minorities Rights Day on 18 December 2024. Minorities Rights Day is celebrated on 18th December every year.

India celebrates Minorities’ Rights Day on the 18th of December every year, as introduced by the United Nations. The day is celebrated for promoting the actual and legal rights of Minority communities. It has been observed in our country that employment opportunities, educational upliftment, and financial inclusion are the major areas wherein minorities are left behind. If they get appropriate guidance and support in these and other areas, people from minority communities may also play a significant role in the growth of the nation.
Since the most important agendas have been set by the leaders from the majority community, they primarily address their issues overlooking the issues faced by the minority community, and hence both are at loss. This is a critical situation and getting more difficult for people of minority communities to overcome this situation.
Political leaders should ensure that people of minority communities do not live under any fear. They should get encouragement and equal rights which will increase their confidence and only then will the country flourish.
Since every country has various linguistic, ethnic, cultural, and religious minority groups, it becomes the duty of the country to provide all the facilities and rights to the minority group irrespective of the size, religion, and population.
By providing equal rights to minorities no politicians are doing any favor to them it’s their actual rights. A country that does not discriminate between people based on caste, religion, or community displays the actual spirit of democracy. There are several examples across the world when a specific minority group had to struggle and suffer because of political and policy discrimination.
The UN also declared that all countries and people in authoritative positions shall protect the existence of the linguistic, cultural, ethnic, and national identity of minorities inside their respective provinces; they should also encourage and support situations and promote such identities. The declaration was a grand step in safeguarding minority groups across the world.
Every year, Minorities Rights Day in India is celebrated on 18th December, by the National Commission for Minorities. The day is celebrated to protect and promote the rights of minority communities; it also advocates religious harmony, respect, and better understanding amongst all minority communities irrespective of caste, color, linguistic, ethnicity, and religion. Every member of the National Commission for minorities including the chairman, as well as the Vice-chairman, participates in the Minorities Rights Day.
On 18th December 1992, the United Nations adopted and broadcast the Statement on individual Rights belonging to Religious or Linguistic, National or Ethnic Minorities. The state government shall also improve the conditions for promoting national, linguistic, religious, and cultural identity.
In 2012, on the Minorities Rights Day, the National Commission for Minorities published a special issue for minorities called ‘Minorities India’. This publication focuses on the functions and activities of the third constitutional commission belonging to the National Commission for Minorities.
India is rich in culture and variety and the country must follow the popular slogan ‘Unity in diversity’.
Since the time India got independent, the rights of minorities have been able to find a position in the Indian Constitution but the minorities feel that they have not been given those rights in the appropriate manner. This implies that written words have not been truly translated into reality. The minorities irrespective of their language or religion have been constantly complaining about the discrimination that they undergo in every aspect of their lives.
Rights of Minorities in the Indian Constitution
The Constitution of India ensures equal rights and justice for all citizens. The Indian Constitution has adopted several measures for safeguarding the rights of the linguistic, ethnic, cultural and religious minorities; it also takes care of all those people who are economically or socially disadvantaged people irrespective of their caste, culture, and community such as scheduled tribes and scheduled castes people.
Article 16 confirms that in cases of public employment, no unfairness or inequity shall be allowed on the basic language, caste, creed, color, race, or religion. This suggests that every citizen of India must get equal and fair service opportunities in public services and government offices.
Article 25 of the Indian Constitution ensures religious freedom for every individual. The state regulates the practice of religion only when and to the extent it disturbs the public peace.
The minorities have the right to follow the religion of their choice and they can also publicize it. But the state legislature has the right to regulate religious conversion through temptation, threat, or force.
According to Article 29 of the Indian Constitution, people belonging to linguistic or religious and linguistic minorities have the right to set up and manage their own educational institutions. The people of minority communities have unlimited and unrestricted rights to endorse, support, and preserve their culture and religion. India is recognized worldwide for its cultural diversity and India as a country is devoted to protecting its cultural diversity.
National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
The National Commission for Minorities (NCM) has been set up by the Union Government under the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. As reported by the Union Government there are a total of six religious communities including Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, Parsis (Zoroastrians), and Jains considered as the minority communities.
Any aggrieved individual belonging to the minority group may seek assistance from the relevant State Minorities Commissions for looking into their grievances. The State Minorities Commissions are responsible for protecting and safeguarding the minorities’ interests as described in the Constitution.
Minorities in India are an indispensable part of the country and contribute equally to the growth and development of the country. They hold high positions in almost every field including government offices, politics, engineering, civil services, and almost every field.
India is a developing country and people here must behave sensibly if any majority-minority issues arise.
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