The National Pollution Control Day is celebrated every year on the 2nd of December in India in order to give honor and memorialize the thousands of human beings who had lost their existence because of the Bhopal gas calamity. The Bhopal gas tragedy happened on the night of 2nd and 3rd December in the year 1984 because of the unintentional discharge of the poisonous chemical known as Methyl Isocyanate (also called MIC) as well as some other chemicals released from the Union Carbide Chemical Plant positioned in the city.

According to the report, more than 500,000 people (of which around 2259 died immediately) were exposed to the poisonous gas MIC. Later, it was declared by the government of Madhya Pradesh that around 3,787 deaths were related to the gas tragedy.
In the next 72 hours, around 8,000 to 10,000 people died whereas around 25,000 people died later because of gas-related diseases. It was identified as the biggest industrial pollution disaster of history worldwide which needed serious preventive measures suddenly in order to stay away from such types of disasters in the future.
Factors of Causing Gas Tragedy
- Storing MIC in the big tanks in place storing in too many smaller drums.
- Use of more dangerous chemicals (MIC) in place of lesser ones.
- Poor preservation of the gas after the stoppage of production in the 1980s by the plant.
- Presence of corroding material in the pipelines
- Malfunctioning of the various safety systems.
- Manual dependence on the operations, shortage of expert operators as well as lack of disaster management plans.
Other Tragedies
Other big tragedies in the history of the world are:
- The Three Mile Island tragedy of the year 1979 of the American nuclear power station.
- Another big tragedy of history was the Chornobyl disaster of the year 1986 in Ukraine.
- After the Bhopal Gas tragedy in India, the other immediate disaster was the Oleum gas leak which occurred in the Shriram Food & fertilizers Ltd complex in Delhi.
National Pollution Control Day is used to celebrate by many people to give them proper knowledge about the Effects and problems of Pollution in the World on the 2nd December.
It is very important to manage Pollution for making the Environment clean and better to live in it.
The pollution problem mainly occurs in those areas where there are lots of Vehicles running on the Roads. It is the responsibility of the Government to control Pollution and to make a better World without Pollution.
A pollution-free environment is very necessary for every people to do all the tasks in a better way and to remain Disease free.
It is quite dangerous for the Environment When the level of Pollution gets an increase in the Environment.
Celebration of the National Pollution Control Day
National Pollution Control Day is used to make people get all the knowledge about reducing and saving people from the dangerous effects of Pollution. It is very difficult to maintain the level of Pollution, but One can control it through many good ideas and plans.
People are very curious to reduce Pollution, but it is not very easy to reduce it through small activities for Pollution Reduction.
Pollution can be decreased through the Management of Hazardous Waste in many of Urban areas. It can be reduced by the Clean Development Mechanism Project.. The government has implemented many Rules and Regulations on various Industries to make them reduce Pollution.
National Pollution Control Board which is also known as the (NPCB) and the Central Pollution Control Board which is known as the (CPCB) are used to check the Rules and Regulations of the Functioning as well as Malfunctioning of the Rules for protecting from the Pollution effects. It checks that every Industry uses its Technology which is Environment Eco-friendly in the right manner or not.
Importance of the National Pollution Control Day
National Pollution Control Day is used to give every people a Safe and Clean Environment through any type of ideas and plans to be implemented by the Government for the people’s welfare and betterment. It is very important for every people to cultivate a better attitude towards reducing Pollution from the Environment in various ways.
It is very important to focus on decreasing Pollution for making a better world that is Pollution-free. There are many Festivals celebrated in India in which people Burns Crackers and many of the things for celebrating the Festivals in a much better way. But the Burning of the Crackers can result in Air Pollution.
So the Government should make many Rules to reduce or stop burning Crackers for Reducing Air Pollution.
There are many States in India where people are suffering from many Pollution problems.
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December Social Events | Date of Celebration |
World Aids Day | 1st December |
National Pollution Control Day | 2nd December |
International Day of Disabled Persons | 3rd December |
Navy Day | 4th December |
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development | 5th December |
Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Diwas | 6th December |
Armed Forces Flag Day | 7th December |
Saarc Charter Day | 8th December |
All India Handicrafts Week | 8th to 14th December |
Human Rights Day | 10th December |
Minorities Rights Day in India | 18th December |
National Energy Conservation Day | 14th December |
National Mathematics Day | 22nd December |
National Farmers’ Day | 23rd December |
Good Governance Day | 25th December |